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These are the latest properties in the Sales category. You can create the list using the “latest listing shortcode” and show items by specific categories.

Hot Offer

Best Deal | Big Layout | Well Maintained

AED 590,000
RERA Permit no. 6510417800 4 Bedroom Villa in Garden Homes Frond D for rent! Area: 6695.91 [more]
RERA Permit no. 6510417800 4 Bedroom Villa in Garden Homes Frond D for rent! Area: 6695.91 sqft Palm Jumeirah is a [more]
4 5 6,696 ft2details
Hot Offer

Fully Furnished | Excellent Amenities | Perf...

AED 600,000
RERA permit no: 7114435199 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971 55 152 9539 / 04 [more]
RERA permit no: 7114435199 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971 55 152 9539 / 04 554 9825 or visit [more]
2 771 ft2details
Hot Offer

9% NET ROI | Fully Furnished | Perfect Inves...

AED 420,000
RERA permit no: 7118045230 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971 551529539 / 04 5 [more]
RERA permit no: 7118045230 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971 551529539 / 04 554 9825 or visit property [more]
1 431 ft2details

Listings available for rent

These are the latest properties in the Rentals category displayed using the latest properties slider shortcode (we show only 6 items, but you can show more)
Hot Offer

Best Deal | Big Layout | Well Maintained

AED 590,000
RERA Permit no. 6510417800 4 Bedroom Villa in Garden Homes Frond D for rent! Area: 6695.91 [more]
RERA Permit no. 6510417800 4 Bedroom Villa in Garden Homes Frond D for rent! Area: 6695.91 sqft Palm Jumeirah is a [more]
4 5 6,696 ft2details
Hot Offer

Fully Furnished | Excellent Amenities | Perf...

AED 600,000
RERA permit no: 7114435199 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971 55 152 9539 / 04 [more]
RERA permit no: 7114435199 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971 55 152 9539 / 04 554 9825 or visit [more]
2 771 ft2details
Hot Offer

9% NET ROI | Fully Furnished | Perfect Inves...

AED 420,000
RERA permit no: 7118045230 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971 551529539 / 04 5 [more]
RERA permit no: 7118045230 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971 551529539 / 04 554 9825 or visit property [more]
1 431 ft2details
Hot Offer

Resale | Best price | On Downtown Boulevard

AED 2,200,000
RERA permit no: 7123591242 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971 551529539 / +971 [more]
RERA permit no: 7123591242 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971 551529539 / +97145549825 or visit propert [more]
2 3 1,004 ft2details
Hot Offer

Luxury Design | Fully Furnished | 5 Star Res...

AED 5,150,000
RERA Permit no. 7117818852 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971551529539 / +9714 [more]
RERA Permit no. 7117818852 Call Property Avenue Real Estate 12452 on +971551529539 / +97145549825 or visit www.prop [more]
2 3 2,236 ft2details

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Michaela Suttherland

real estate broker
Michael’s sociability, independent spirit, and incredible customer service set him apart a ...

Maria Barlow

sales executive
As a fourth generation realtor, I was raised in a family where real estate was the primary ...

Janet Richmond

selling agent
Janet’s knowledge, honesty, integrity, and fairness have been evident throughout her caree ...

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